Sunday, April 21, 2013

Overview of the Drupal Philippines Campus Tour 2013

Why Drupal Campus Tour? Why the sudden demand of roadshows and Drupal events in the Campus audience?

Highlight of Campus Tour events

Goals of the Campus Tour

  1. To introduce, promote, educate, engage, inspire, encourage, equip students about Drupal as a development and content publishing platform.
  2. To expose them to Open source tools & the concept of Openness.
  3. To encourage them to become active in the Drupal community.
  4. To assist Faculty members & IT administrators of the School in learning and using Drupal.

People who are involved in the Campus Tour

  1. Speakers
  2. Mentors
  3. Event Organizers
  4. Volunteers (for Logistics & related matters)
  5. Documentation Specialists
  6. Sponsors
  7. Budgeting Committee
  8. Designers
  9. Marketing and promotions
  10. Event Coordinators

Target Audience

  • People who just want to get started with Drupal and interested to learn and use the platform.
  • Potential Volunteers (the one's who would like to volunteer in the future events).
  • People who have the passion to build cool websites with Drupal!

How to become a Local partner?

If you are a company or an organization wanting to support or sponsor a Drupal Campus Tour event - please do let us know we'll be happy to talk with you. Don't forget to follow on Facebook :

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